

d3z1gn/magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.



Footsync is a piece of Footlight Square, a project that implements interactive lights as a medium to achieve several objectives, producing cognitive games to prevent the appearance of neurological diseases or a giant-interface pump track among other elements. Footsync responds to the need to benefit from Footlight's catalogue when not possible to visit the installations. Aesthetically the App implements a visual language developed for the project, called Lightmorphism, which seeks to transmit the experience people get when using the interactive lights at Footlight Square's facility.

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Motion 1

Motion 1 will change the user experience of home audio, video and game content. By combining a fully functional desk chair with D-Box’s Haptic Engine, Motion 1 revolutionizes desk chairs on both sides of the work-and-play spectrum. Inspired by the hammerhead shark, Motion 1 blends predatory natural elegance into a unique form factor, which is easily recognizable front and back. From its cocoon-inspired chaise design to the enlarged head section, all aesthetic choices of the chair are geared towards making the user feel comfortable, safe and supported during the chair’s haptic performance.

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AI Conversational Banking

The bar for product usability has been raised as the world becomes increasingly accustomed to interacting with AI-powered interfaces and chatbots. The client team dared to become the pioneers of conversational banking and wanted to make their product feel revolutionary to stand out truly. They sought a UX partner who was bold enough to help them create and execute a design vision for the innovative conversational banking service Bella.

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Luna Lankastar

Luna Lankastar the Night Witch of Linerma. This mysterious witch no one knows where she came from but a long time ago, she was raised by the Goddess of Light Visatra, she teaches her all the powers and secrets that most known witches possess, so one day if the darkness arises, she will have the responsibility to protect everyone. As they are witches still trapped in another dark dimension that was created by Enix the god of chaos, Luna got a big responsibility on her back to free all the witches that were locked by the god of chaos Enix, and save Linerma from the darkness.

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The Majestic Watch

The Majestic Watch is the greatest project design developed by Andre Caputo. This brings in itself the essence of his personal brand that gather magic, fantasy and wonderful feelings. It brings together elements such as vintage time, Christmas, fantasy, magic, candies, happiness, fun, entertainment, curiosity and passion. Each part of the watch was designed in such a way that it alluded to a certain element, past or feeling. We can even imagine that it only needs to snow inside the watch to make it magical and wonderful.

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Venous Materials

Venous Materials project envisions a new way to design dynamic tangible interactions using fluidic Interfaces. It is a new type of interactive material that is inspired by veins systems in nature and throughout the human body. When the user applies pressure or motion to the material, it dynamically displays geometric patterns and colors. The different patterns are displays that function as tangible sensors, to animate dynamic graphics, to create responsive objects for learning activities, and to visualize body movement and balance.

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