

d3z1gn/magazine featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Romexis 6

All-in-one ideology has always been at the core of Planmeca Romexis. Dental professionals handle many types of dental images every day. Planmeca Romexis allows working with this data simultaneously and in a single software. Planmeca Romexis 6 takes this concept even further with a completely rethought user interface, which simplifies a multitude of functionalities into an accessible and customisable system. Designed specifically with the user in mind, Planmeca Romexis 6 does not determine the workflow for the user, but allows the user to tailor it for themselves.

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Camel Robot

Camel Robot is a new way to show an specific brand logo for showcase purposes. It's deeply inspired by industrial machines and robotics. The design is thought-out to fit the shape of the brand logo, but in a more futuristic perspective. It's a way to play with the boundaries of a brand communication, showing it in a hi-end technical manner. The design has two levels, the outside parts and the visible interior parts, this way it can be perceived as a complex machine where each part has its own function and give the feeling that even though it's a static image the camel is alive.

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xFi is a personalized WiFi experience. Taking control of their home WiFi with easy to use tools across the platform, users know what devices are online, optimize coverage, even pause WiFi access during dinner time or choose the time their kids should be online. It’s the ultimate control tool to deliver freedom to discover everything in your WiFi connected world where the most time is spent with experiences.

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Processing over 1 billion USD in transactions year over year, the solution simplifies the user experience of complex processes such as ordering and tracking aircraft repairs, managing in flight connectivity services, and configuring critical software for aircraft platforms. The solution is responsive allowing access from any device.

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Delacon Dandelion

Dandelions are very delicate creations of nature managing to be wonderfully simple and highly complex at the same time. That's why a specially crafted, stylized and oversized model of a dandelion is the one and only design element at the heart of the Delacon exhibition stand. Invisible to the visitor is the very complex airflow sensor array, which is arranged inside the flowers head ready and waiting to amaze its visitors: By blowing on the flower the magical journey of its onscreen counterpart's seeds begins to unfold and allows you to be cast away with their elegant dance.

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Samsung Health

This design enables users to meet with world-class doctors right from their smartphone. The designer team worked with major insurance companies to make appointments low-cost, and partnered with leading hospitals and top-tier doctors. Above all, This product uses an intuitive design language and user flow to create a seamless user experience. The design team have also taken extra steps to optimize for affordability, meaningful doctor-patient interaction, and ease of use — for a great telehealth experience.

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Amazing design. Good design. Best design.

Good designs create value for society. Everyday we feature a special design project that demonstrates excellence in design. Today, we are pleased to showcase an award-winning design that makes a positive difference. We will be featuring more great and inspiring designs daily. Make sure to visit us everyday to enjoy new good design products and projects from greatest designers worldwide.

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